Ferry Flight Services

Safe, Professional & Regulated Ferry Flight Services

Demonstration Flight Services

Experienced, Professional and Regulated Projects

Observer Pilot Services

Powering Precision and Awareness from Above

Leaders in providing flight operations solutions

Spectrum Aviation Services is a reputable, trusted and professional provider working for clients across the globe. All our services have been built around our clients needs and can be customised ensuring that we exceed expectations with each collaboration. We pride ourselves on our highly experienced and skilled workforce, our around the clock communication and dedication ensures we are with you every step of the way. We not only meet the needs of clients, we strive to exceed them safely, efficiently, and cost effectively. 


Ferry Flight

With care and control of all operations, we organise, ferry and deliver aircrafts safely, efficiently and cost effectively.

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Demonstration Flight Services

Designed to highlight the handling, performance, capabilities and
overall exceptional qualities of your aircraft.

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Observer Pilot

We provide professional and highly-trained observer pilots, essential for ensuring the success and safety of your mission.

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Why Spectrum Aviation Services

Projects Completed Annually

Ferry Flights Hours Annually

Years of Industry Experience

Number of Airports Served

Our Clients

We are proud to include the following among our long-standing client base.

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